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How can a community platform reduce loneliness?

Nearly one in four people worldwide feel lonely, according to a recent survey of more than 140 countries.

We all feel lonely sometimes but prolonged or intense loneliness can harm our long-term health and wellbeing. At Made Open, we're taking steps to reduce loneliness, foster social connections and nurture wellbeing in communities.

Here are 10 ways our community software can help:


What makes a effective community leader?

Whether you want to revitalise a struggling community or help a new one get started, good leadership is crucial for success.

In this blog, we share essential skills and characteristics found in leaders of our most successful community platforms.


How to build a thriving online community?

Part 1. Understand your target audience

Why do some online communities thrive while others fail? While technology matters, success relies more on how well you understand and can engage your community.

This blog focuses on the importance of understanding your target audience before you get started.


How to build a thriving online community?

Part 2. Building a brand

Community platforms bring people together around common interests and goals. A strong brand builds a sense of unity among community members, making them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

In this blog we talk about the importance of brand building and share tips for choosing the perfect name for your community platform.


10 ways to activate your online community.

What can platform owners do to nurture active participation?

There is no one size fits all approach to increasing levels of participation. We help our customers develop a process and an engagement plan to that is tailored to the needs of their community.

Here are 10 points for consideration when developing your community engagement plan.


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